Yes, there are no country restrictions for vendor applications. However, not all submitted vendors can engage in vendor activities. When a vendor application is received, the TrollyGo administrator reviews the submitted application to determine its suitability, and vendor activity is only possible after approval.
Individual suppliers cannot register as vendors. Only corporate members can register as vendors.
In [My Page > My Trading > Chat Room], you can check the inquiries buyers have made about products, bidding, etc., and negotiate details through chat with the buyer.
You can check it at [My Page > My Trading > Order]. You can use the Type filter to categorize products sold in the market or sold through bidding.
When registering a product, we recommend that you provide an accurate and detailed product description. Additionally, for product reliability, providing additional information such as brochures, test reports, and certifications for various products can provide more meaningful information to customers in selecting products.
You can use the web editor to register product information on the product description page. If you want to upload additional information or functions other than brochures or product images, please contact the customer service center.
If you would like to make a special trading offer, please request one from a professional trader by filling out a Sell RFQ in the Trader's Lounge.
You can check sales data and buyer data by clicking Download Excel in [My Page > My Trading > Order] to download the entire order list as a file.
Sales generated through credit card payments are settled on the 15th of the following month. For T/T, L/C, and cryptocurrency transactions, settlement is made on the date agreed upon with the vendor.
The settlement currency is USD. When applying for a vendor, please enter your foreign currency USD account information in the account information to receive settlement.