• Spec sheets provide all the essential details about a product that is being shipped. They include information like dimensions, weight, and packaging requirements.
  • If you want to cancel your RFQ request, please tell the trader you were speaking with.
  • Vendor registration at TrollyGo is free of charge.
  • Vendor reviews are typically processed within 3 business days. If you haven't received the results of the vendor application within 3 days, please contact the customer service center.
  • You must enter the product category, product name, HS code, origin, price, MOQ, Incoterms, payment method, Loading Country , Lead time , Description , Specification etc.
  • The product categories include energy, steel, metal, oil & gas, chemical, construction material, industrial machinery, transportation, tools & materials, wood, agriculture, military, health & medical, and service. If your product does not fit into the category, please contact TrollyGo.
  • If you sell items that are not classified into registered categories, you can register them into [Others] category.
  • Go to [My Page > My Trading > Product] and check all the items you have uploaded on the market.
  • There are currently no restrictions on products being registered.
  • Go to [Vendor > Product > Edit] and update the product information.