• If you no longer want to proceed with the RFQ you submitted, please inform the trader of your decision.
  • Buy RFQ is a function that allows you to request a professional trader to purchase a desired item when it is not listed in the market. Sell RFQ is a function that allows you to request a professional trader to sell an item you want to sell.
  • Please access the 'Trader's Lounge' or 'SELL' menu, fill in the information about the product you want to sell, and submit. A professional trader will confirm your request and respond.
  • In order to accurately process your RFQ request, please fill out the required information in detail. If you also fill in the optional information, we can accurately convey your request.
  • You can attach document files or photos in your RFQ request.
  • After sending the Sell RFQ, modifications are not available. If you need to change anything, please fill out the form again and apply.
  • If you want to cancel your Sell RFQ, you should convey your intention to the traders.
  • We will assign you a professional trader for the item you requested. A professional trader will check the RFQ and respond.
  • There is no set response deadline.
  • Only one product can be requested for one RFQ.