When purchasing a product, please carefully check the information provided on the detail page before purchasing.
It would be helpful if you click 'Contact Supplier' and let the supplier know.
You can check the situation below and take action.
Timeout: Temporary error, attempt to repay after a while
Card information error: Recheck card number, password, and CVC information
Card error: limit exceeded, use suspended, etc.
In general, it refers to cases where it is difficult to accurately classify into existing Incoterms due to special reasons. In this case, please describe the situation in the text field below.
If you click the top heart button on the product details page, it will be registered as a product of interest.
You can view it on the [My Page > My Shopping > Favorites].
On the [My Page > My Shopping > Favorites], press the red heart button in the list of products of interest to remove it.
No, the refund will be credited to your card account.
Refund will be made to the account listed within 7 days.
After reviewing the supplier's products and services, it will be approved by the supplier, so you can trust it. Please check the product information registered on the product details page. It would also be good to check whether the service provider has Certification.